Saturday, July 18, 2015


7 / 18 / 15
First off, yes I am a procrastinator; actually, I put the "Pro" in procrastinator. So, I am ever so sorry that I haven't been blogging - my summer has been jam-packed. But, without any further ado, here is a blog that has been sitting in my drafts for a while. ( Yes, I don't ever have time to write a new blog....)

4ish / ??? / 15
On my bike ride just a couple minutes ago, I had come to the conclusion that I hate people.
That was the only thing that I could come down to. Of course, I really don't hate people, I just hate their humanity. Now that I sound like an Evil lord trying to wipe out humanity (on that note, I saw the new Avengers movie today, it was amazing) let me explain myself, butttt, before that,  let me give you some important updates, that will be relevant to this blog.

  • Finals are in 4 weeks (well, that's 3 now, I guess) and I'm behind.
  • In a week, we are performing the play I have been co-directing.
  • Me and my friends just got through a bigger-than-normal drama episode (it's good now, but still some tension)
  • I got a new bike (just to end on a happy note; there) 
Okay, so back to the hating people thing.  I took this bike ride because my little sister was doing just that, being a little sister. You get the idea.  So, as I think about my day - it came to my attention that everyone I saw today wanted  A. to agitate/annoy me, or  B. nothing to do with me, with the exception of, like two people.  At least that's how it seemed. One of the "highlights" was when my mom insisted that I am depressed and maybe need meds because I have been "snappy" lately, a lot. I was just like, "Hi - my name is stressed, not depressed."  I won't go into detail about the other events that occurred  - so let's just skip to the part where I explain why I don't hate people. I just hate their humanity blah blah blah. The thing is sometimes we think that people are going to uphold our high standards; we think that people can be these things; like a superhuman image that is portrayed in movies, whether that's a superhero movie or a romance. Sadly enough, we were exposed to this lovely stereotype since we were born. 

But here is something I realized today, everyone I know has let me down or will. Typically the problem is something we all suffer from. A "disease" that we let affect our minds, decisions, and actions. Selfishness.  Or maybe someone has good intentions and then it all goes wrong. There are countless way people screw up, some of which we can't help because of humanity. Could you imagine what our world would be like without greed? Or lust? Or jealousy? Or _______. 

But with Jesus we can overcome our humanity. We will struggle with it as long as we are living, but this life can be won. Notice I said life, instead of day, because we can not win every battle - but the funny thing is, the war has already been won. You just have to pick the winning side. I'm not going to say that it's easy, because overcoming our humanity is our greatest day-to-day struggle. In order to overcome our humanity, we have to fill ourselves with Jesus - and that takes time. Picking Jesus has to become a habit. But even if we get to that point - we all fall short, it's our nature.

I don't hate people, I hate their humanity, I hate their sin - I hate my sin, I hate my selfishness and hate my own human nature. But, you know what the crazy thing is,  God loves me, regardless; and that's not all. God forgives me for falling short. You can be forgiven. Disgusting, filthy, sin-filled you and I, can be washed clean. All you do is confess and then ask for forgiveness. Thank God I don't have to suffer in my own humanity, thank God I have the choice to be cleansed and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Praise God.