Monday, April 13, 2015


Well, It's finally here. The sun is actually shining and I am happily wearing flip flops.  Believe it or not,  I'm sitting in Jump park (a local hang out) this very moment, feeling that sun on my back and listening to the kids play.  Spring.  Thank God.

There is not much to say about this week, just trying ever so hard to balance my social life with school - that I am behind in - but let's not worry about that. I'm sitting in a park!  Just that one sentences brings me joy in itself. Today I want to bask in the joy of the Lord soaking in His creation.

Most days, we all get caught up in the never ending cycle of day-to-day life. We get up, get ready and go, whether that's to work, school, taking care of the kids; whatever we have to do. We stick to our routines and go through the day without a thought.  When is the last time you took a day, an hour or even a minute to bask.  Just to sit down and breathe, and realize it all. That you're breathing, that you're alive, that you have a home and family and all that you need to live. All the Joy.  All this, that God has given you.

Maybe you're having one of those days. You do not want to hear anything about God for whatever "it's the end-of-the-world" reason or reasons you have. Trust me when I say, I have those days too. We all have those days where you just want to throw your fist up in the air and scream at God. We curse him and question him ;  "Why God, why did you put me in this situation, why did you do this and that and not ANYTHING about that?"  We forget what has been done for us and what has been given to us.

I had one of those days about 2 months after my dad died. One of my brothers set me off and I ran away and sat in the common area (a big field in the middle of our neighborhood).  I sat by one of the trees and sobbed uncontrollably.  This is what I journaled into my phone:
It's like my tears get lost in the wind - the wind. I have always loved the wind - but I don't know anymore, it was so windy at the beach that day.  I tried to call [his voicemail], but it was already erased. I can't ever hear him talk to me again.  Everyone said we would be okay and we're strong. nope; just, why." 
It was a pretty big bad day.  I knew that my family had been forever changed and that the people I knew before, the person that I was before - were never coming back. I hated that. But as I was sitting there shaking my fist, two deer came out of the woods.  One of them came up so close to me. Then I realized that I had stopped crying. I actually felt a little better.

If you're having a bad day, look out the window - look at what God created for you. Then look back inside, in your home, look at your family, look at your things.  Feel the air fill your lungs and remember you're breathing. This life is a gift, with a purpose. So for right now, take a second and bask.

( It has come to my attention that this sounds like a Hallmark card, and for that I am sorry. I don't feel like re-writing it so....yeah, sorry.)

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