Friday, February 27, 2015


Well, I would like to start off by saying I am sorry I have missed the last couple of weeks. I have either been sick, busy or just plain lazy. But I do intend on making up the blog I missed on Valentine's day - so look for that one sometime this week.

Snow. If that word doesn't fill you with the wrath of God by now, then either your mind has some problems or cabin fever has taken over.  I hated winter the moment it started and still do; not to mention that I now have a car that involves scraping and dusting and then my hands crack because the cold dries out my hands and then the snow gets in my shoe and then know the drill. I think we Ohioans can all say that winter has been outlived.

But cabin fever has been giving  me plenty time to think. Not trying to stray too far from the topic, I will tell you about my thoughts on snow.  First off I hate it. I really don't have any love for it at all! As soon as it starts snowing my hopes fall and the dreaded thought of winter runs through my head. I will give snow this, it is beautiful. The untouched blanket it a field looks more than desirable. But, I really love snowflakes though and I could go into how every snowflake's different and how we are all beautiful blah blah blah....the concept is overused and cliché, but - of course - true. But my thoughts focused on the "life" of a snowflake.

A snowflake falls from the sky, unique and sparkling and then it hits the ground. If it's lucky enough it joins thousands of others to form a blanket; and then at some point it melts (in Ohio this can take up to what feels like a year).  But some fall from the sky, just like the others and fall on a car, or a person or bench get the idea. These snowflakes melt sooner than the others that fall on the ground. Then there are the snowflakes that get dirty from the salt and so on.  This can be compared to the life of a human. We come into this world, unique and sparkling and we go through our childhood trying to hold onto it, then most of us fall into the world. We become a blanket, some of us get dirty, some of us get stepped on and a very few of us remain untouched.  Yet in the end we all die.

But then there are people that come into life radiant, and their flame lasts longer than others, but they die too soon. Yes, we are all thinking about my dad. I honestly think he was a rare person. There are not many people in this world like him (although my dad had flaws too just like the rest of the world). My dad would be mortified if I compared his life to a snowflake, so I'll just stop here. I feel like all of the worlds most unique, shining, wise people die too soon.  Think about a person that died too soon and what life would be like if they lived longer. What if Abe Lincoln lived longer?  What if Shakespeare lived longer?  What if __________ lived longer?

This can make us mad, or sad. But God knows what He is doing.  Maybe, someone's lit-up life ended too soon to be with him.

Or maybe God wanted them to take over their positions in paradise.

Or maybe.......?

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