Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Family" vacation

Before I begin, I just want to give you all some back news on my blog. So, I am now PLANNING on doing a blog every friday. But since this is Sunday, you see that this statement is not set in stone. Sometimes it might be early or late.....okay mostly late ;) Or I could do more than one blog a week, it just depends. Alright, now let's begin.

Today my day started out good.  Now, if you have been keeping up with my blog, you know that this is quite the accomplishment. I didn't say great or perfect because my day was far from that, but if you round it all up it was good. It might have been the fact that I got to fly today or the fact that I got to leave 15 degree weather and enter the perfect temperatures of Florida or just the fact that I was given joy. Today had its up and downs, like every trip, but I think, for my crazy family, it went pretty well. 

After a stressful pack up and car ride (the car ride was actually really fun).  We got to the airport and we didn't forget a kid. Realizing we got through security early, I had some time to do my "deep thinking" thing that I do, while we waited to board. For some reason, I began to think of how others saw me and my family,  how I see others and how others saw others; not technically judging - just analyzing. After I had gone over the strangers closest to me, a family caught my eye. I instantly thought,  "Everyone probably sees that family like they see us!" And then the it struck me. The big wammies always come in painful, sudden hits. They had their Dad with them. There was that lovely sting that I felt way too much. And then, a first came (just got to love those firsts, always faithful). This would be the first time back to the sunshine state without my Dad. The memories of the last time we came down here, our two Disney trips, came to mind.  But, that didn't make me feel sad, Not a feeling, just a smile. 

The plane ride was lovely (If you're not flying Southwest Airlines, we can not be friends).  I did school most of the time, but hey - I was flying - and that made school better. We landed, ate, got our bags and said goodbye to my Grandma who is staying with friends. Then we headed to the coolest resort that I have ever been too. After some pool time, us kids are chilling in the room. My awesome mother is out shopping for food. 

Now.. let's back up. Right before we were about to leave our house, all hell had broken lose. We were all last minute packing, stressed out and tired. As I was walking up the stairs the 10th time because I had forgot something, I stopped midway.  Something in my body just stopped and I started praying.  I prayed that the day would go well, I prayed for my Mom and my siblings. But mostly I prayed for my attitude.  I prayed for joy.  I have been struggling with prayer since that day on the beach. On that beach, I just couldn't stop praying. When it all first began and I was standing on the beach while chaos was unfolding, I couldn't breath without saying "Please Jesus." That was mostly all I could get out. I begged Jesus. But, it didn't appear to be answered.  But today, I saw how prayer CAN make a difference, even a little. I know I can trust prayer again. 

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